Is the Great American Teacher Dead

A Response to the article Is The Great American Teacher Dead ? I recently read the article , Is the Great American Teacher Dead? I found this article to be fascinating, as I work with many Elementary school teachers. I also am currently attending college, and I watch my children as they navigate their years in school. I could easily see and agree with many of the points the author John Ivers stated. I will focus on the lack of deep intellectuals, the lack of luster in teaching, and culture in the classroom. John Ivers mentions that Anthropologists from other parts of the world came to America and focused their time on reviewing our colleges. Their finding was that colleges in the United States of America are not producing critical thinkers and that the learning process is boring. I had to chuckle a little because I could have told them that. The only time I feel I have had a real deep thinking experience was when studying certain religious topics, or discussing critical mom...